Auto Enrolment - Workplace Pensions

Workplace pensions were introduced in 2012, and from the start of 2018, all employers will by law have to utilise auto-enrolment pension schemes and enrol all eligible staff into a workplace pension scheme in which both employer and employee pay into.

The auto-enrolment pension scheme legislation will be rolled out to different business in stages, with the dates and levels of contributions listed below.  

You can also find the exact staging date for your businesswhich is dependent on the size of your workforce. Click below to find out yourstaging date…

At Brokerswood Enterprises our IFA’s have the expertise to help andguide you through the process of selecting the appropriate auto-enrolmentpension solution for your business’s needs. We can take the headache of compliance and the minefield of legislationaway from you as business owners and allow you to carry on doing what you dobest… running your business!

Your staging date is dependent on the size of your workforce. Click below to find out your staging date…

Find your staging date

Level of Contributions

Employee Pays *
Employer Pays*
From staging date to 5th April 2018
From 6th April 2018
From 6th April 2019

*Percentage paid on ‘qualifying earnings’ which in 2015/16 tax year is £5824-£42,385

At Brokerswood Enterprises our IFA’s have the expertise to help and guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate Automatic Enrolment solution for your business’s needs.  We can take the headache of compliance and the minefield of legislation away from you as business owners and allow you to carry on doing what you do best…… running your business!


Brokerswood Enterprises Contact "Call now for Pension Financial Consultation"

IFA Disclosure: Brokerswood Enterprises is a trading name of Rainford Financial Services Ltd, which is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 627944. Registered in England No. 06048581
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