Commercial Vehicles Insurance

We understand the importance of having your commercial vehicles on the road and ready at all times. That’s why our commercial vehicle insurance policies boast a wide range of benefits that will help get your vehicles back on the road in no time at all.

When you acquire commercial vehicle insurance, you will receive the use of:

24 Hour Claims Line

A knowledgeable and helpful team will be available all day, every day to discuss any possible claims with you - wherever you are, and whatever you need.

Courtesy Vehicle in the Event of an accident

If you are unable to use your vehicle after a collision or other incident, there’s no need to despair. We will be able to provide you with a temporary solution in the form of a new car, van or other vehicle for you to use while yours is in the garage.

Windscreen Cover

Cracks, chips, and breakages are a real risk for those who use motorised vehicles for their trade or service. With RigbyFinancial’s Commercial Vehicle Insurance, cover for your windscreen is included, so you can rest assured that any issues can be resolved easily.

Replacement Keys if Lost or Stolen

Everything grinds to a halt if you don’t have access to the keys to your vehicle. They may have been stolen, misplaced or dropped down a drain, but whatever the situation, it’s good to know that RigbyFinancial’s Commercial Vehicle and Business Car Insurance can assist you in the eventuality of your being stranded without vehicular access.

Replacement Van for vehicles less than 1-year-old if written off

If your vehicle is less than a year old and is written off in an accident, our cover will ensure that it can be easily replaced so that you can get back to work without missing a beat.

Foreign Use Extension

If your work takes you abroad, there’s no need to fret about changing your policy or obtaining any kind of “add-on” for your cover. Brokerswood Enterprises includes an extension for the times you’ll need to travel overseas with your vehicle, so there’s nothing left for you to do but set off!

Introductory Discounts depending on previous driving/claims experience 

If up until now you’ve been a safe driver with a clean license, few or no claims to your name and no vehicular or traffic based criminal convictions, it’s very likely that we’ll be able to offer you money off certain elements of your policy. Because every business is different, it’s definitely worth discussing your situation and requirements in depth with one of our advisers to see what we can do for you.

Rigby Commercial Vehicle Insurance Telephone  "Call now for quotation"

All benefits vary depending on the business car insurance policy you choose. But if you’re unsure about anything, or want help working out which level of cover will most suits your needs, then don’t hesitate to speak to one of our experienced advisers today.

And if you have a wider collection of commercial vehicles, there’s also the option of taking out a fleet policy – which could save you money and make your commercial vehicle insurance more manageable.

If you’re planning to compare van insurance or car insurance for your company, it’s definitely worth calling Brokerswood Enterprises today on +44 7883270322. Our helpful advisors will go through all your requirements with you. Remember to explain to them the nature of your business,the types of vehicle you use, the purposes for which you use them, the distance you tend to drive and the locations you will be visiting with them along with the drivers’ histories and the type of security devices that the vehicles you are insuring currently feature. It is also worth discussing the compound or premises in which your vehicles are kept. If you are interested in obtaining cover for a number of vehicles, don’t forget to ask your advisor about fleet insurance - remember, all different kinds of vehicles can be covered under one policy with this type of insurance, so keeping up to date with paperwork will be made that bit easier.

We’re on hand to talk you through each and every policy to ensure your needs are always met.

GI Disclosure: Brokerswood Enterprises is a trading name of Ralph A Rigby Insurance Services Ltd, which is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 306240. Registered in England No 5038856