Loan Protection Insurance
You may be looking to take out a business loan to help cover the start-up or expansion costs of your business, from investing in new equipment or even personal.
Here having adequate loan protection insurance can help ensure the safety of your company’s assets by facilitating the debt you owe.
Business loan protection can help you repay outstanding borrowings, commercial mortgages and even directors loans if the worst scenario hits and one of your business owners passes away or suffers a critical illness. Acting in a similar way to a personal life insurance policy, loan protection insurance can protect your business against the full amount of your business’ loan or mortgage. With a lump sum being paid out in such an instance to either your business or directly to the lender.
Our expert team here at RigbyFinancial are always on hand to help, so if you would like to discuss how loan protection insurance could help your business or find the perfect solution for your business our experienced IFA’s will be more than happy to assist you with your business needs. Give our team a call today!
License & Permit Bonds
Auto Dealer Bonds
Used Car Dealer Bonds
Freight Broker Bonds
Telemarketing Bonds
Tax Bonds
All License & Permit Bonds
Construction Bonds
Contractor License Bonds
Bid Bonds
Performance Bonds
Payment Bonds
Payment vs Performance Bonds
All Construction Bonds
Other Surety Bonds
Court Bonds
Fidelity Bonds
Notary Surety Bonds
Equity Bonds