Liability Insurance

If you work in construction, manufacturing or trade, there’s a high chance you’ve already heard of liability insurance. But just in case…

What is liability insurance?

Liability insurance can provide protection from injury claims and damage to property, caused by the purchaser. Your insurer will pay out to the third party making the claim against you, saving you on a costly bill should a claim ever be brought against you. 

At Brokerswood Enterprises, we can help to arrange the right cover for you or your business. There are a wide range of policies available depending on the size of your business, offering and the industry you work in.

The main types of liability insurance available are employers’ liability, public liability and product liability. 

What is employers’ liability insurance?

Employers’ liability insurance is a mandatory policy for any business that employs a workforce. This type of cover is intended for a member of staff becoming injured or ill, whilst at work or as a direct result of their work. 


What is public liability insurance?

Public liability insurance is usually included in your business insurance policy. This cover protects your company against injury or damage claims from a member of the public, another company or any other third party.

What is product liability insurance?

Does your business manufacture or sell products? If so, you could be held legally responsible for any damage caused by one of your products. This level of cover looks to protect your business should a claim be brought against you.

Workplace AccidentHSE Guide to EL Cover

GI Disclosure: Brokerswood Enterprises is a trading name of Ralph A Rigby Insurance Services Ltd, which is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 306240. Registered in England No 5038856